Title: | Generalized Partially Linear Tree-Based Regression Model |
Description: | Combining a generalized linear model with an additional tree part on the same scale. A four-step procedure is proposed to fit the model and test the joint effect of the selected tree part while adjusting on confounding factors. We also proposed an ensemble procedure based on the bagging to improve prediction accuracy and computed several scores of importance for variable selection. See 'Cyprien Mbogning et al.'(2014)<doi:10.1186/2043-9113-4-6> and 'Cyprien Mbogning et al.'(2015)<doi:10.1159/000380850> for an overview of all the methods implemented in this package. |
Authors: | Cyprien Mbogning <[email protected]> and Wilson Toussile |
Maintainer: | Cyprien Mbogning <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 2.0) |
Version: | 1.5 |
Built: | 2025-02-22 02:39:28 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/cran/GPLTR |
Combining a generalized linear model with an additional tree part on the same scale. A four-step procedure is proposed to fit the model and test the joint effect of the selected tree part while adjusting on confounding factors. We also proposed an ensemble procedure based on the bagging to improve prediction accuracy and computed several scores of importance for variable selection. See 'Cyprien Mbogning et al.'(2014)<doi:10.1186/2043-9113-4-6>, 'Cyprien Mbogning et al.'(2015)<doi:10.1159/000380850> for an overview of all the methods implemented in this package.
Package: | GPLTR |
Type: | Package |
Version: | 1.5 |
Date: | 2024-03-28 |
License: | GPL(>=2.0) |
Cyprien Mbogning and Wilson Toussile
Maintainer: Cyprien Mbogning <[email protected]>
Mbogning, C., Perdry, H., Broet, P.: A Bagged partially linear tree-based regression procedure for prediction and variable selection. Human Heredity, 79(3-4):1 82-93 (2015)
Mbogning, C., Perdry, H., Toussile, W., Broet, P.: A novel tree-based procedure for deciphering the genomic spectrum of clinical disease entities. Journal of Clinical Bioinformatics 4:6, (2014)
Terry M. Therneau, Elizabeth J. Atkinson (2013) An Introduction to Recursive Partitioning Using the RPART
Routines. Mayo Foundation.
Chen, J., Yu, K., Hsing, A., Therneau, T.M.: A partially linear tree-based regression model for assessing complex joint gene-gene and gene-environment effects. Genetic Epidemiology 31, 238-251 (2007)
##%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ## Example on a public dataset: the burn data ##%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ## The burn data are also displayed in the KMsurv package ##%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ## Not run: data(burn) ## Build the rpart tree with all the variables rpart.burn <- rpart(D2 ~ Z1 + Z2 + Z3 + Z4 + Z5 + Z6 + Z7 + Z8 + Z9 + Z10 + Z11, data = burn, method = "class") plot(rpart.burn, main = 'rpart tree') text(rpart.burn, xpd = TRUE, cex = .6, use.n = TRUE) ## fit the PLTR model after adjusting on gender (Z2) using the proposed method args.rpart <- list(minbucket = 10, maxdepth = 4, cp = 0, maxcompete = 0, maxsurrogate = 0) family <- "binomial" X.names = "Z2" Y.name = "D2" G.names = c('Z1','Z3','Z4','Z5','Z6','Z7','Z8','Z9','Z10','Z11') pltr.burn <- pltr.glm(burn, Y.name, X.names, G.names, args.rpart = args.rpart, family = family, iterMax = 4, iterMin = 3, verbose = FALSE) ## Prunned back the maximal tree using either the BIC or the AIC criterion pltr.burn_prun <- best.tree.BIC.AIC(xtree = pltr.burn$tree, burn, Y.name, X.names, family = family) ## plot the BIC selected tree plot(pltr.burn_prun$tree$BIC, main = 'BIC selected tree') text(pltr.burn_prun$tree$BIC, xpd = TRUE, cex = .6, col = 'blue') ## Summary of the selected tree by a BIC criterion summary(pltr.burn_prun$tree$BIC) ## Summary of the final selected pltr model summary(pltr.burn_prun$fit_glm$BIC) ## fit the PLTR model after adjusting on gender (Z2) using the parametric ## bootstrap method ## set numWorkers = 1 on a windows plateform args.parallel = list(numWorkers = 10) best_bootstrap <- best.tree.bootstrap(pltr.burn$tree, burn, Y.name, X.names, G.names, B = 2000, BB = 2000, args.rpart = args.rpart, epsi = 0.008, iterMax = 6, iterMin = 5, family = family, LEVEL = 0.05, LB = FALSE, args.parallel = args.parallel, verbose = FALSE) plot(best_bootstrap$selected_model$tree, main = 'original method') text(best_bootstrap$selected_model$tree, xpd = TRUE) ## Bagging a set of basic unprunned pltr predictors # ?bagging.pltr Bag.burn <- bagging.pltr(burn, Y.name, X.names, G.names, family, args.rpart,epsi = 0.01, iterMax = 4, iterMin = 3, Bag = 10, verbose = FALSE, doprune = FALSE) ## The thresshold values used Bag.burn$CUT ## The set of PLTR models in the bagging procedure PLTR_BAG.burn <- Bag.burn$Glm_BAG ## The set of trees in the bagging procedure TREE_BAG.burn <- Bag.burn$Tree_BAG ## Use the bagging procedure to predict new features # ?predict_bagg.pltr Pred_Bag.burn <- predict_bagg.pltr(Bag.burn, Y.name, newdata = burn, type = "response", thresshold = seq(0, 1, by = 0.1)) ## The confusion matrix for each thresshold value using the majority vote Pred_Bag.burn$CONF1 ## The prediction error for each thresshold value Pred_Bag.burn$PRED_ERROR1 ## Compute the variable importances using the bagging procedure Var_Imp_BAG.burn <- VIMPBAG(Bag.burn, burn, Y.name) ## Importance score using the permutaion method for each thresshold value Var_Imp_BAG.burn$PIS ## Shadow plot of three proposed scores par(mfrow=c(1,3)) barplot(Var_Imp_BAG.burn$PIS$CUT5, main = 'PIS', horiz = TRUE, las = 1, cex.names = .8, col = 'lightblue') barplot(Var_Imp_BAG.burn$DIS, main = 'DIS', horiz = TRUE, las = 1, cex.names = .8, col = 'grey') barplot(Var_Imp_BAG.burn$DDIS, main = 'DDIS', horiz = TRUE, las = 1, cex.names = .8, col = 'purple') ## End(Not run)
##%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ## Example on a public dataset: the burn data ##%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ## The burn data are also displayed in the KMsurv package ##%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ## Not run: data(burn) ## Build the rpart tree with all the variables rpart.burn <- rpart(D2 ~ Z1 + Z2 + Z3 + Z4 + Z5 + Z6 + Z7 + Z8 + Z9 + Z10 + Z11, data = burn, method = "class") plot(rpart.burn, main = 'rpart tree') text(rpart.burn, xpd = TRUE, cex = .6, use.n = TRUE) ## fit the PLTR model after adjusting on gender (Z2) using the proposed method args.rpart <- list(minbucket = 10, maxdepth = 4, cp = 0, maxcompete = 0, maxsurrogate = 0) family <- "binomial" X.names = "Z2" Y.name = "D2" G.names = c('Z1','Z3','Z4','Z5','Z6','Z7','Z8','Z9','Z10','Z11') pltr.burn <- pltr.glm(burn, Y.name, X.names, G.names, args.rpart = args.rpart, family = family, iterMax = 4, iterMin = 3, verbose = FALSE) ## Prunned back the maximal tree using either the BIC or the AIC criterion pltr.burn_prun <- best.tree.BIC.AIC(xtree = pltr.burn$tree, burn, Y.name, X.names, family = family) ## plot the BIC selected tree plot(pltr.burn_prun$tree$BIC, main = 'BIC selected tree') text(pltr.burn_prun$tree$BIC, xpd = TRUE, cex = .6, col = 'blue') ## Summary of the selected tree by a BIC criterion summary(pltr.burn_prun$tree$BIC) ## Summary of the final selected pltr model summary(pltr.burn_prun$fit_glm$BIC) ## fit the PLTR model after adjusting on gender (Z2) using the parametric ## bootstrap method ## set numWorkers = 1 on a windows plateform args.parallel = list(numWorkers = 10) best_bootstrap <- best.tree.bootstrap(pltr.burn$tree, burn, Y.name, X.names, G.names, B = 2000, BB = 2000, args.rpart = args.rpart, epsi = 0.008, iterMax = 6, iterMin = 5, family = family, LEVEL = 0.05, LB = FALSE, args.parallel = args.parallel, verbose = FALSE) plot(best_bootstrap$selected_model$tree, main = 'original method') text(best_bootstrap$selected_model$tree, xpd = TRUE) ## Bagging a set of basic unprunned pltr predictors # ?bagging.pltr Bag.burn <- bagging.pltr(burn, Y.name, X.names, G.names, family, args.rpart,epsi = 0.01, iterMax = 4, iterMin = 3, Bag = 10, verbose = FALSE, doprune = FALSE) ## The thresshold values used Bag.burn$CUT ## The set of PLTR models in the bagging procedure PLTR_BAG.burn <- Bag.burn$Glm_BAG ## The set of trees in the bagging procedure TREE_BAG.burn <- Bag.burn$Tree_BAG ## Use the bagging procedure to predict new features # ?predict_bagg.pltr Pred_Bag.burn <- predict_bagg.pltr(Bag.burn, Y.name, newdata = burn, type = "response", thresshold = seq(0, 1, by = 0.1)) ## The confusion matrix for each thresshold value using the majority vote Pred_Bag.burn$CONF1 ## The prediction error for each thresshold value Pred_Bag.burn$PRED_ERROR1 ## Compute the variable importances using the bagging procedure Var_Imp_BAG.burn <- VIMPBAG(Bag.burn, burn, Y.name) ## Importance score using the permutaion method for each thresshold value Var_Imp_BAG.burn$PIS ## Shadow plot of three proposed scores par(mfrow=c(1,3)) barplot(Var_Imp_BAG.burn$PIS$CUT5, main = 'PIS', horiz = TRUE, las = 1, cex.names = .8, col = 'lightblue') barplot(Var_Imp_BAG.burn$DIS, main = 'DIS', horiz = TRUE, las = 1, cex.names = .8, col = 'grey') barplot(Var_Imp_BAG.burn$DDIS, main = 'DDIS', horiz = TRUE, las = 1, cex.names = .8, col = 'purple') ## End(Not run)
Compute the AUC on the OOB samples of the bagging procedure for the binomial family. The true and false positive rates are also returned and could be helpfull for plotting the ROC curves.
bag.aucoob(bag_pltr, xdata, Y.name)
bag.aucoob(bag_pltr, xdata, Y.name)
bag_pltr |
The output of the function |
xdata |
The learning dataset containing the dependent variable, the confounding variables and the predictors variables |
Y.name |
The name of the binary dependent variable |
The thresshold values used for computing the AUC are defined when building the bagging predictor. see bagging.pltr
for the convenient parameterization.
A list of 4 elements
the AUC computed on OOB samples of the Bagging procedure |
the true positive rate for several thresshold values |
the false positive rate for several thresshold values |
the Out Of Bag error for each thresshold value |
The plot of the ROC curve is straighforward using the TPR
and FPR
obtained with the function bag.aucoob
Cyprien Mbogning
Mbogning, C., Perdry, H., Broet, P.: A Bagged partially linear tree-based regression procedure for prediction and variable selection (submitted 2014)
bagging procedure to agregate several PLTR models for accurate prediction and variable selection
bagging.pltr(xdata, Y.name, X.names, G.names, family = "binomial", args.rpart,epsi = 0.001, iterMax = 5, iterMin = 3, LB = FALSE, args.parallel = list(numWorkers = 1), Bag = 20, Pred_Data = data.frame(), verbose = TRUE, doprune = FALSE , thresshold = seq(0, 1, by = 0.1))
bagging.pltr(xdata, Y.name, X.names, G.names, family = "binomial", args.rpart,epsi = 0.001, iterMax = 5, iterMin = 3, LB = FALSE, args.parallel = list(numWorkers = 1), Bag = 20, Pred_Data = data.frame(), verbose = TRUE, doprune = FALSE , thresshold = seq(0, 1, by = 0.1))
xdata |
the learning data frame |
Y.name |
the name of the binary dependent variable |
X.names |
the names of independent variables to consider in the linear part of the glm and as offset in the tree part |
G.names |
the names of independent variables to consider in the tree part of the hybrid glm. |
family |
the glm family considered depending on the type of the dependent variable (only the binomial family works in this function for the moment) . |
args.rpart |
a list of options that control details of the rpart algorithm. |
epsi |
a treshold value to check the convergence of the algorithm |
iterMax |
the maximal number of iteration to consider |
iterMin |
the minimum number of iteration to consider |
LB |
a binary indicator with values TRUE or FALSE indicating weither the loading is balanced or not in the parallel computing. It is nevertheless useless on a windows platform. See |
args.parallel |
a list of two elements containing the number of workers and the type of parallelization to achieve see |
Bag |
The number of Bagging samples to consider |
Pred_Data |
An optional data frame to validate the bagging procedure (the test dataset) |
verbose |
Logical; TRUE for printing progress during the computation (helpful for debugging) |
doprune |
a binary indicator with values TRUE or FALSE indicating weither the set of trees in the bagging procedure are pruned (by a |
thresshold |
a vector of numerical values between 0 and 1 used as thresshold values for the computation of the OOB error rate |
For the Bagging procedure, it is mendatory to set maxcompete = 0
and maxsurrogate = 0
within the rpart arguments. This will ensured the correct calculation of the importance of variables.
A list with eleven elements
A list of length |
The vector of OOB errors of the bagging procedure for each thresshold value. |
A matrix with |
A vector containing the mean of |
Tree_BAG |
A list of length |
Glm_BAG |
A list of length |
The 0, 1 lost matrix for OOB observations at each thresshold value |
A value of |
Var_IMP |
A numeric vector containing the relative variable importance of the bagging procedure |
Timediff |
The execution time of the bagging procedure |
The thresshold value used inside the bagging procedure |
Cyprien Mbogning
Mbogning, C., Perdry, H., Broet, P.: A Bagged partially linear tree-based regression procedure for prediction and variable selection. Human Heredity (To appear) (2015)
Leo Breiman: Bagging Predictors. Machine Learning, 24, 123-140 (1996)
## Not run: ##load the data set data(burn) ## set the parameters args.rpart <- list(minbucket = 10, maxdepth = 4, cp = 0, maxsurrogate = 0) family <- "binomial" Y.name <- "D2" X.names <- "Z2" G.names <- c('Z1','Z3','Z4','Z5','Z6','Z7','Z8','Z9','Z10','Z11') args.parallel = list(numWorkers = 1) ## Bagging a set of basic unprunned pltr predictors Bag.burn <- bagging.pltr(burn, Y.name, X.names, G.names, family, args.rpart,epsi = 0.01, iterMax = 4, iterMin = 3, Bag = 20, verbose = FALSE, doprune = FALSE) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: ##load the data set data(burn) ## set the parameters args.rpart <- list(minbucket = 10, maxdepth = 4, cp = 0, maxsurrogate = 0) family <- "binomial" Y.name <- "D2" X.names <- "Z2" G.names <- c('Z1','Z3','Z4','Z5','Z6','Z7','Z8','Z9','Z10','Z11') args.parallel = list(numWorkers = 1) ## Bagging a set of basic unprunned pltr predictors Bag.burn <- bagging.pltr(burn, Y.name, X.names, G.names, family, args.rpart,epsi = 0.01, iterMax = 4, iterMin = 3, Bag = 20, verbose = FALSE, doprune = FALSE) ## End(Not run)
this function is set to prune back the maximal tree by using the BIC
or the AIC
best.tree.BIC.AIC(xtree, xdata, Y.name, X.names, family = "binomial", verbose = TRUE)
best.tree.BIC.AIC(xtree, xdata, Y.name, X.names, family = "binomial", verbose = TRUE)
xtree |
a tree to prune |
xdata |
the dataset used to build the tree |
Y.name |
the name of the dependent variable |
X.names |
the names of independent confounding variables to consider in the linear part of the |
family |
the |
verbose |
Logical; TRUE for printing progress during the computation (helpful for debugging) |
a list of four elements:
best_index |
The size of the selected trees by |
tree |
The selected trees by |
fit_glm |
The fitted pltr models selected with |
Timediff |
The execution time of the selection procedure |
Cyprien Mbogning and Wilson Toussile
Mbogning, C., Perdry, H., Toussile, W., Broet, P.: A novel tree-based procedure for deciphering the genomic spectrum of clinical disease entities. Journal of Clinical Bioinformatics 4:6, (2014)
Akaike, H.: A new look at the statistical model identification. IEEE Trans. Automat. Control AC-19
, 716-723 (1974)
Schwarz, G.: Estimating the dimension of a model. The Annals of Statistics
6, 461-464 (1978)
data(burn) args.rpart <- list(minbucket = 10, maxdepth = 4, cp = 0, maxcompete = 0, maxsurrogate = 0) family <- "binomial" X.names = "Z2" Y.name = "D2" G.names = c('Z1','Z3','Z4','Z5','Z6','Z7','Z8','Z9','Z10','Z11') pltr.burn <- pltr.glm(burn, Y.name, X.names, G.names, args.rpart = args.rpart, family = family, iterMax = 4, iterMin = 3, verbose = FALSE) ## Prunned back the maximal tree using either the BIC or the AIC criterion pltr.burn_prun <- best.tree.BIC.AIC(xtree = pltr.burn$tree, burn, Y.name, X.names, family = family) ## plot the BIC selected tree plot(pltr.burn_prun$tree$BIC, main = 'BIC selected tree') text(pltr.burn_prun$tree$BIC, xpd = TRUE, cex = .6, col = 'blue') ## Not run: ##load the data set data(data_pltr) ## Set the parameters args.rpart <- list(minbucket = 40, maxdepth = 10, cp = 0) family <- "binomial" Y.name <- "Y" X.names <- "G1" G.names <- paste("G", 2:15, sep="") ## build a maximal tree fit_pltr <- pltr.glm(data_pltr, Y.name, X.names, G.names, args.rpart = args.rpart, family = family,iterMax = 5, iterMin = 3) ##prunned back the maximal tree by BIC or AIC criterion tree_select <- best.tree.BIC.AIC(xtree = fit_pltr$tree,data_pltr,Y.name, X.names, family = family) plot(tree_select$tree$BIC, main = 'BIC TREE') text(tree_select$tree$BIC, minlength = 0L, xpd = TRUE, cex = .6) ## End(Not run)
data(burn) args.rpart <- list(minbucket = 10, maxdepth = 4, cp = 0, maxcompete = 0, maxsurrogate = 0) family <- "binomial" X.names = "Z2" Y.name = "D2" G.names = c('Z1','Z3','Z4','Z5','Z6','Z7','Z8','Z9','Z10','Z11') pltr.burn <- pltr.glm(burn, Y.name, X.names, G.names, args.rpart = args.rpart, family = family, iterMax = 4, iterMin = 3, verbose = FALSE) ## Prunned back the maximal tree using either the BIC or the AIC criterion pltr.burn_prun <- best.tree.BIC.AIC(xtree = pltr.burn$tree, burn, Y.name, X.names, family = family) ## plot the BIC selected tree plot(pltr.burn_prun$tree$BIC, main = 'BIC selected tree') text(pltr.burn_prun$tree$BIC, xpd = TRUE, cex = .6, col = 'blue') ## Not run: ##load the data set data(data_pltr) ## Set the parameters args.rpart <- list(minbucket = 40, maxdepth = 10, cp = 0) family <- "binomial" Y.name <- "Y" X.names <- "G1" G.names <- paste("G", 2:15, sep="") ## build a maximal tree fit_pltr <- pltr.glm(data_pltr, Y.name, X.names, G.names, args.rpart = args.rpart, family = family,iterMax = 5, iterMin = 3) ##prunned back the maximal tree by BIC or AIC criterion tree_select <- best.tree.BIC.AIC(xtree = fit_pltr$tree,data_pltr,Y.name, X.names, family = family) plot(tree_select$tree$BIC, main = 'BIC TREE') text(tree_select$tree$BIC, minlength = 0L, xpd = TRUE, cex = .6) ## End(Not run)
a parametric bootstrap procedure to select and test at the same time the selected tree
best.tree.bootstrap(xtree, xdata, Y.name, X.names, G.names, B = 10, BB = 10, args.rpart = list(cp = 0, minbucket = 20, maxdepth = 10), epsi = 0.001, iterMax = 5, iterMin = 3, family = "binomial", LEVEL = 0.05, LB = FALSE, args.parallel = list(numWorkers = 1), verbose = TRUE)
best.tree.bootstrap(xtree, xdata, Y.name, X.names, G.names, B = 10, BB = 10, args.rpart = list(cp = 0, minbucket = 20, maxdepth = 10), epsi = 0.001, iterMax = 5, iterMin = 3, family = "binomial", LEVEL = 0.05, LB = FALSE, args.parallel = list(numWorkers = 1), verbose = TRUE)
xtree |
the maximal tree obtained by the function pltr.glm |
xdata |
the data frame used to build xtree |
Y.name |
the name of the dependent variable |
X.names |
the names of independent variables to consider in the linear part of the glm |
G.names |
the names of independent variables to consider in the tree part of the hybrid glm. |
B |
the size of the bootstrap sample |
BB |
the size of the bootstrap sample to compute the adjusted p-value |
args.rpart |
a list of options that control details of the rpart algorithm. |
epsi |
a treshold value to check the convergence of the algorithm |
iterMax |
the maximal number of iteration to consider |
iterMin |
the minimum number of iteration to consider |
family |
the glm family considered depending on the type of the dependent variable. |
the level of the test |
LB |
a binary indicator with values TRUE or FALSE indicating weither the loading is balanced or not in the parallel computing. It is useless on a windows platform. |
args.parallel |
parameters of the parallelization. See |
verbose |
Logical; TRUE for printing progress during the computation (helpful for debugging) |
a list with six elements
selected_model |
a list with the fit of the selected pltr model |
fit_glm |
the fitted pltr model under the null hypothesis if the test is not significant |
Timediff |
The execution time of the |
comp_p_values |
The P-values of the competing trees |
Badj |
The number of samples used in the inner level of the procedure |
BBadj |
The number of samples used in the outer level of the procedure |
Cyprien Mbogning and Wilson Toussile
Chen, J., Yu, K., Hsing, A., Therneau, T.M.: A partially linear tree-based regression model for assessing complex joint gene-gene and gene-environment effects. Genetic Epidemiology 31, 238-251 (2007)
#load the data set data(data_pltr) args.rpart <- list(minbucket = 40, maxdepth = 10, cp = 0) family <- "binomial" Y.name <- "Y" X.names <- "G1" G.names <- paste("G", 2:15, sep="") ## Not run: ## build a maximal tree fit_pltr <- pltr.glm(data_pltr, Y.name, X.names, G.names, args.rpart = args.rpart, family = family, iterMax = 5, iterMin = 3) ## select an test the selected tree by a parametric bootstrap procedure args.parallel = list(numWorkers = 1, type = "PSOCK") best_bootstrap <- best.tree.bootstrap(fit_pltr$tree, data_pltr, Y.name, X.names, G.names, B = 10, BB = 10, args.rpart = args.rpart, epsi = 0.001, iterMax = 5, iterMin = 3, family = family, LEVEL = 0.05,LB = FALSE, args.parallel = args.parallel) ## End(Not run)
#load the data set data(data_pltr) args.rpart <- list(minbucket = 40, maxdepth = 10, cp = 0) family <- "binomial" Y.name <- "Y" X.names <- "G1" G.names <- paste("G", 2:15, sep="") ## Not run: ## build a maximal tree fit_pltr <- pltr.glm(data_pltr, Y.name, X.names, G.names, args.rpart = args.rpart, family = family, iterMax = 5, iterMin = 3) ## select an test the selected tree by a parametric bootstrap procedure args.parallel = list(numWorkers = 1, type = "PSOCK") best_bootstrap <- best.tree.bootstrap(fit_pltr$tree, data_pltr, Y.name, X.names, G.names, B = 10, BB = 10, args.rpart = args.rpart, epsi = 0.001, iterMax = 5, iterMin = 3, family = family, LEVEL = 0.05,LB = FALSE, args.parallel = args.parallel) ## End(Not run)
this function is set to prune back the maximal tree by using a K-fold cross-validation
best.tree.CV(xtree, xdata, Y.name, X.names, G.names, family = "binomial", args.rpart = list(cp = 0, minbucket = 20, maxdepth = 10), epsi = 0.001, iterMax = 5, iterMin = 3, ncv = 10, verbose = TRUE)
best.tree.CV(xtree, xdata, Y.name, X.names, G.names, family = "binomial", args.rpart = list(cp = 0, minbucket = 20, maxdepth = 10), epsi = 0.001, iterMax = 5, iterMin = 3, ncv = 10, verbose = TRUE)
xtree |
a tree to prune |
xdata |
the dataset used to build the tree |
Y.name |
the name of the dependent variable |
X.names |
the names of independent variables to consider in the linear part of the |
G.names |
the names of independent variables to consider in the tree part of the hybrid |
family |
the |
args.rpart |
a list of options that control details of the rpart algorithm. |
epsi |
a treshold value to check the convergence of the algorithm |
iterMax |
the maximal number of iteration to consider |
iterMin |
the minimum number of iteration to consider |
ncv |
The number of folds to consider for the |
verbose |
Logical; TRUE for printing progress during the computation (helpful for debugging) |
a list of five elements:
best_index |
The size of the selected tree by the cross-validation procedure |
tree |
The selected tree by |
fit_glm |
The fitted gpltr models selected with |
A list of two elements containing the cross-validation error of the selected tree by the |
Timediff |
The execution time of the |
Cyprien Mbogning
Mbogning, C., Perdry, H., Toussile, W., Broet, P.: A novel tree-based procedure for deciphering the genomic spectrum of clinical disease entities. Journal of Clinical Bioinformatics 4:6, (2014)
## Not run: ##load the data set data(data_pltr) ## set the parameters args.rpart <- list(minbucket = 40, maxdepth = 10, cp = 0) family <- "binomial" Y.name <- "Y" X.names <- "G1" G.names <- paste("G", 2:15, sep="") ## build a maximal tree fit_pltr <- pltr.glm(data_pltr, Y.name, X.names, G.names, args.rpart = args.rpart, family = family,iterMax = 5, iterMin = 3) ##prunned back the maximal tree by a cross-validation procedure tree_selected <- best.tree.CV(fit_pltr$tree, data_pltr, Y.name, X.names, G.names, family = family, args.rpart = args.rpart, epsi = 0.001, iterMax = 5, iterMin = 3, ncv = 10) plot(tree_selected$tree, main = 'CV TREE') text(tree_selected$tree, minlength = 0L, xpd = TRUE, cex = .6) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: ##load the data set data(data_pltr) ## set the parameters args.rpart <- list(minbucket = 40, maxdepth = 10, cp = 0) family <- "binomial" Y.name <- "Y" X.names <- "G1" G.names <- paste("G", 2:15, sep="") ## build a maximal tree fit_pltr <- pltr.glm(data_pltr, Y.name, X.names, G.names, args.rpart = args.rpart, family = family,iterMax = 5, iterMin = 3) ##prunned back the maximal tree by a cross-validation procedure tree_selected <- best.tree.CV(fit_pltr$tree, data_pltr, Y.name, X.names, G.names, family = family, args.rpart = args.rpart, epsi = 0.001, iterMax = 5, iterMin = 3, ncv = 10) plot(tree_selected$tree, main = 'CV TREE') text(tree_selected$tree, minlength = 0L, xpd = TRUE, cex = .6) ## End(Not run)
a unified permutation test procedure to select and test at the same time the selected tree
best.tree.permute(xtree, xdata, Y.name, X.names, G.names, B = 10, args.rpart = list(cp = 0, minbucket = 20, maxdepth = 10), epsi = 0.001, iterMax = 5, iterMin = 3, family = "binomial", LEVEL = 0.05, LB = FALSE, args.parallel = list(numWorkers = 1, type = "PSOCK"), verbose = TRUE)
best.tree.permute(xtree, xdata, Y.name, X.names, G.names, B = 10, args.rpart = list(cp = 0, minbucket = 20, maxdepth = 10), epsi = 0.001, iterMax = 5, iterMin = 3, family = "binomial", LEVEL = 0.05, LB = FALSE, args.parallel = list(numWorkers = 1, type = "PSOCK"), verbose = TRUE)
xtree |
the maximal tree obtained by the function pltr.glm |
xdata |
the data frame used to build xtree |
Y.name |
the name of the dependent variable |
X.names |
the names of independent variables to consider in the linear part of the glm. For this function, only a binary variable is supported. |
G.names |
the names of independent variables to consider in the tree part of the hybrid glm. |
B |
the size of the bootstrap sample |
args.rpart |
a list of options that control details of the rpart algorithm. |
epsi |
a treshold value to check the convergence of the algorithm |
iterMax |
the maximal number of iteration to consider |
iterMin |
the minimum number of iteration to consider |
family |
the binomial family. |
the level of the test |
LB |
a binary indicator with values TRUE or FALSE indicating weither the loading is balanced or not in the parallel computing. It is useless on a windows platform. |
args.parallel |
parameters of the parallelization. See |
verbose |
Logical; TRUE for printing progress during the computation (helpful for debugging) |
a list with six elements:
p.val_selected |
the adjusted p-value of the selected tree |
selected_model |
a list with the fit of the selected pltr model |
fit_glm |
the fitted pltr model under the null hypothesis if the test is not significant |
Timediff |
The execution time of the |
comp_p_values |
The P-values of the competing trees |
Badj |
The number of samples used inside the procedure |
Cyprien Mbogning
, best.tree.bootstrap
## Not run: ##load the data set data(data_pltr) ## set the parameters args.rpart <- list(minbucket = 40, maxdepth = 10, cp = 0) family <- "binomial" Y.name <- "Y" X.names <- "G1" G.names <- paste("G", 2:15, sep="") ## build a maximal tree fit_pltr <- pltr.glm(data_pltr, Y.name, X.names, G.names, args.rpart = args.rpart, family = family,iterMax = 5, iterMin = 3) ## select an test the selected tree by a permutation test procedure args.parallel = list(numWorkers = 1, type = "PSOCK") best_permute <- best.tree.permute(fit_pltr$tree, data_pltr, Y.name, X.names, G.names, B = 10, args.rpart = args.rpart, epsi = 0.001, iterMax = 5, iterMin = 3, family = family, LEVEL = 0.05,LB = FALSE, args.parallel = args.parallel) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: ##load the data set data(data_pltr) ## set the parameters args.rpart <- list(minbucket = 40, maxdepth = 10, cp = 0) family <- "binomial" Y.name <- "Y" X.names <- "G1" G.names <- paste("G", 2:15, sep="") ## build a maximal tree fit_pltr <- pltr.glm(data_pltr, Y.name, X.names, G.names, args.rpart = args.rpart, family = family,iterMax = 5, iterMin = 3) ## select an test the selected tree by a permutation test procedure args.parallel = list(numWorkers = 1, type = "PSOCK") best_permute <- best.tree.permute(fit_pltr$tree, data_pltr, Y.name, X.names, G.names, B = 10, args.rpart = args.rpart, epsi = 0.001, iterMax = 5, iterMin = 3, family = family, LEVEL = 0.05,LB = FALSE, args.parallel = args.parallel) ## End(Not run)
The burn data frame has 154 rows and 17 columns.
A data frame with 154 observations on the following 17 variables.
Observation number
Treatment: 0-routine bathing 1-Body cleansing
Gender (0=male 1=female)
Race: 0=nonwhite 1=white
Percentage of total surface area burned
Burn site indicator: head 1=yes, 0=no
Burn site indicator: buttock 1=yes, 0=no
Burn site indicator: trunk 1=yes, 0=no
Burn site indicator: upper leg 1=yes, 0=no
Burn site indicator: lower leg 1=yes, 0=no
Burn site indicator: respiratory tract 1=yes, 0=no
Type of burn: 1=chemical, 2=scald, 3=electric, 4=flame
Time to excision or on study time
Excision indicator: 1=yes 0=no
Time to prophylactic antibiotic treatment or on study time
Prophylactic antibiotic treatment: 1=yes 0=no
Time to straphylocous aureaus infection or on study time
Straphylocous aureaus infection: 1=yes 0=no
Klein and Moeschberger (1997) Survival Analysis Techniques for Censored and truncated data, Springer
Ichida et al. Stat. Med.
12 (1993): 301-310.
data(burn) ## maybe str(burn) ;
data(burn) ## maybe str(burn) ;
A data frame to test the functions of the package
A data frame with 3000 observations on the following 16 variables.
a numeric vector
a factor with levels 0
a factor with levels 0
a factor with levels 0
a factor with levels 0
a binary numeric vector
a binary numeric vector
a binary numeric vector
a binary numeric vector
a binary numeric vector
a binary numeric vector
a binary numeric vector
a binary numeric vector
a binary numeric vector
a binary numeric vector
a binary numeric vector
The numeric variable G1
is considered as offset in the simulated PLTR
model; the variables G2
are used to simulate the tree part, while G6
are noise variables.
data(data_pltr) ## maybe str(data_pltr) ...
data(data_pltr) ## maybe str(data_pltr) ...
Compute a sequence of nested competing trees for the prunning step
nested.trees(xtree, xdata, Y.name, X.names, MaxTreeSize = NULL, family = "binomial", verbose = TRUE)
nested.trees(xtree, xdata, Y.name, X.names, MaxTreeSize = NULL, family = "binomial", verbose = TRUE)
xtree |
a tree inheriting to the rpart method |
xdata |
the dataset used to build the tree |
Y.name |
the name of the dependent variable in the tree model |
X.names |
the names of independent variables considered as offset in the tree model |
MaxTreeSize |
The maximal size of the competing trees |
family |
the glm family considered depending on the type of the dependent variable. |
verbose |
Logical; TRUE for printing progress during the computation (helpful for debugging) |
a list with 4 elements:
leaves |
a list of leaves of the competing trees to consider for the optimal tree |
null_deviance |
the deviance of the null model (linear part of the glm) |
deviances |
a vector of deviances of the competing PLTR models |
diff_deviances |
a vector of the deviance differencies between the competing PLTR models and the null model |
Cyprien Mbogning and Wilson Toussile
## Not run: ## load the data set data(data_pltr) args.rpart <- list(minbucket = 40, maxdepth = 10, cp = 0) family <- "binomial" Y.name <- "Y" X.names <- "G1" G.names <- paste("G", 2:15, sep="") ## build a maximal tree fit_pltr <- pltr.glm(data_pltr, Y.name, X.names, G.names, args.rpart = args.rpart, family = family,iterMax = 5, iterMin = 3) ## compute the competing trees nested_trees <- nested.trees(fit_pltr$tree, data_pltr, Y.name, X.names, MaxTreeSize = 10, family = family) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: ## load the data set data(data_pltr) args.rpart <- list(minbucket = 40, maxdepth = 10, cp = 0) family <- "binomial" Y.name <- "Y" X.names <- "G1" G.names <- paste("G", 2:15, sep="") ## build a maximal tree fit_pltr <- pltr.glm(data_pltr, Y.name, X.names, G.names, args.rpart = args.rpart, family = family,iterMax = 5, iterMin = 3) ## compute the competing trees nested_trees <- nested.trees(fit_pltr$tree, data_pltr, Y.name, X.names, MaxTreeSize = 10, family = family) ## End(Not run)
Test weither the selected tree by either BIC
or CV
procedure is significantly associated to the dependent variable or not, while adjusting for a confounding effect.
p.val.tree(xtree, xdata, Y.name, X.names, G.names, B = 10, args.rpart = list(minbucket = 40, maxdepth = 10, cp = 0), epsi = 0.001, iterMax = 5, iterMin = 3, family = "binomial", LB = FALSE, args.parallel = list(numWorkers = 1), index = 4, verbose = TRUE)
p.val.tree(xtree, xdata, Y.name, X.names, G.names, B = 10, args.rpart = list(minbucket = 40, maxdepth = 10, cp = 0), epsi = 0.001, iterMax = 5, iterMin = 3, family = "binomial", LB = FALSE, args.parallel = list(numWorkers = 1), index = 4, verbose = TRUE)
xtree |
the maximal tree obtained by the function pltr.glm |
xdata |
the data frame used to build xtree |
Y.name |
the name of the dependent variable |
X.names |
the names of independent confounding variables to consider in the linear part of the |
G.names |
the names of independent variables to consider in the tree part of the hybrid |
B |
the resampling size of the deviance difference |
args.rpart |
a list of options that control details of the rpart algorithm. |
epsi |
a treshold value to check the convergence of the algorithm |
iterMax |
the maximal number of iteration to consider |
iterMin |
the minimum number of iteration to consider |
family |
the glm family considered depending on the type of the dependent variable. |
LB |
a binary indicator with values TRUE or FALSE indicating weither the loading are balanced or not in the parallel computing |
args.parallel |
parameters of the parallelization. See |
index |
the size of the selected tree (by the functions |
verbose |
Logical; TRUE for printing progress during the computation (helpful for debugging) |
A list of three elements:
p.value |
The |
Timediff |
The execution time of the |
Badj |
The number of samples used inside the the procedure |
Cyprien Mbogning
Mbogning, C., Perdry, H., Toussile, W., Broet, P.: A novel tree-based procedure for deciphering the genomic spectrum of clinical disease entities. Journal of Clinical Bioinformatics 4:6, (2014)
Fan, J., Zhang, C., Zhang, J.: Generalized likelihood ratio statistics and WILKS phenomenon. Annals of Statistics 29(1), 153-193 (2001)
, best.tree.permute
## Not run: ## load the data set data(data_pltr) ## set the parameters args.rpart <- list(minbucket = 40, maxdepth = 10, cp = 0) family <- "binomial" Y.name <- "Y" X.names <- "G1" G.names <- paste("G", 2:15, sep="") ## build a maximal tree fit_pltr <- pltr.glm(data_pltr, Y.name, X.names, G.names, args.rpart = args.rpart, family = family,iterMax = 5, iterMin = 3) ##prunned back the maximal tree by BIC or AIC criterion tree_select <- best.tree.BIC.AIC(xtree = fit_pltr$tree,data_pltr,Y.name, X.names, family = family) ## Compute the p-value of the selected tree by BIC args.parallel = list(numWorkers = 10, type = "PSOCK") index = tree_select$best_index[[1]] p_value <- p.val.tree(xtree = fit_pltr$tree, data_pltr, Y.name, X.names, G.names, B = 100, args.rpart = args.rpart, epsi = 1e-3, iterMax = 5, iterMin = 3, family = family, LB = FALSE, args.parallel = args.parallel, index = index) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: ## load the data set data(data_pltr) ## set the parameters args.rpart <- list(minbucket = 40, maxdepth = 10, cp = 0) family <- "binomial" Y.name <- "Y" X.names <- "G1" G.names <- paste("G", 2:15, sep="") ## build a maximal tree fit_pltr <- pltr.glm(data_pltr, Y.name, X.names, G.names, args.rpart = args.rpart, family = family,iterMax = 5, iterMin = 3) ##prunned back the maximal tree by BIC or AIC criterion tree_select <- best.tree.BIC.AIC(xtree = fit_pltr$tree,data_pltr,Y.name, X.names, family = family) ## Compute the p-value of the selected tree by BIC args.parallel = list(numWorkers = 10, type = "PSOCK") index = tree_select$best_index[[1]] p_value <- p.val.tree(xtree = fit_pltr$tree, data_pltr, Y.name, X.names, G.names, B = 100, args.rpart = args.rpart, epsi = 1e-3, iterMax = 5, iterMin = 3, family = family, LB = FALSE, args.parallel = args.parallel, index = index) ## End(Not run)
The pltr.glm
function is designed to fit an hybrid glm model with an additive tree part on a glm scale.
pltr.glm(data, Y.name, X.names, G.names, family = "binomial", args.rpart = list(cp = 0, minbucket = 20, maxdepth = 10), epsi = 0.001, iterMax = 5, iterMin = 3, verbose = TRUE)
pltr.glm(data, Y.name, X.names, G.names, family = "binomial", args.rpart = list(cp = 0, minbucket = 20, maxdepth = 10), epsi = 0.001, iterMax = 5, iterMin = 3, verbose = TRUE)
data |
a data frame containing the variables in the model |
Y.name |
the name of the dependent variable |
X.names |
the names of independent variables to consider in the linear part of the |
G.names |
the names of independent variables to consider in the tree part of the hybrid |
family |
the |
args.rpart |
a list of options that control details of the rpart algorithm. |
epsi |
a treshold value to check the convergence of the algorithm |
iterMax |
the maximal number of iteration to consider |
iterMin |
the minimum number of iteration to consider |
verbose |
Logical; TRUE for printing progress during the computation (helpful for debugging) |
The pltr.glm
function use an itterative procedure to fit the linear part of the glm
and the tree part. The tree obtained at the convergence of the procedure is a maximal tree which overfits the data. It's then mandatory to prunned back this tree by using one of the proposed criteria (BIC
and CV
A list with four elements:
fit |
the glm fitted on the confounding factors at the end of the iterative algorithm |
tree |
the maximal tree obtained at the end of the algorithm |
nber_iter |
the number of iterations used by the algorithm |
Timediff |
The execution time of the iterative procedure |
The tree obtained at the end of these itterative procedure usually overfits the data. It's therefore mendatory to use either best.tree.BIC.AIC
or best.tree.CV
to prunne back the tree.
Cyprien Mbogning and Wilson Toussile
Mbogning, C., Perdry, H., Toussile, W., Broet, P.: A novel tree-based procedure for deciphering the genomic spectrum of clinical disease entities. Journal of Clinical Bioinformatics 4:6, (2014)
Terry M. Therneau, Elizabeth J. Atkinson (2013) An Introduction to Recursive Partitioning Using the RPART
Routines. Mayo Foundation.
Chen, J., Yu, K., Hsing, A., Therneau, T.M.: A partially linear tree-based regression model for assessing complex joint gene-gene and gene-environment effects. Genetic Epidemiology 31, 238-251 (2007)
data(burn) args.rpart <- list(minbucket = 10, maxdepth = 4, cp = 0, maxcompete = 0, maxsurrogate = 0) family <- "binomial" X.names = "Z2" Y.name = "D2" G.names = c('Z1','Z3','Z4','Z5','Z6','Z7','Z8','Z9','Z10','Z11') pltr.burn <- pltr.glm(burn, Y.name, X.names, G.names, args.rpart = args.rpart, family = family, iterMax = 4, iterMin = 3, verbose = FALSE) ## Not run: ## load the data set data(data_pltr) ## set the parameters args.rpart <- list(minbucket = 40, maxdepth = 10, cp = 0) family <- "binomial" Y.name <- "Y" X.names <- "G1" G.names <- paste("G", 2:15, sep="") ## build a maximal tree fit_pltr <- pltr.glm(data_pltr, Y.name, X.names, G.names, args.rpart = args.rpart, family = family,iterMax = 5, iterMin = 3) plot(fit_pltr$tree, main = 'MAXIMAL TREE') text(fit_pltr$tree, minlength = 0L, xpd = TRUE, cex = .6) ## End(Not run)
data(burn) args.rpart <- list(minbucket = 10, maxdepth = 4, cp = 0, maxcompete = 0, maxsurrogate = 0) family <- "binomial" X.names = "Z2" Y.name = "D2" G.names = c('Z1','Z3','Z4','Z5','Z6','Z7','Z8','Z9','Z10','Z11') pltr.burn <- pltr.glm(burn, Y.name, X.names, G.names, args.rpart = args.rpart, family = family, iterMax = 4, iterMin = 3, verbose = FALSE) ## Not run: ## load the data set data(data_pltr) ## set the parameters args.rpart <- list(minbucket = 40, maxdepth = 10, cp = 0) family <- "binomial" Y.name <- "Y" X.names <- "G1" G.names <- paste("G", 2:15, sep="") ## build a maximal tree fit_pltr <- pltr.glm(data_pltr, Y.name, X.names, G.names, args.rpart = args.rpart, family = family,iterMax = 5, iterMin = 3) plot(fit_pltr$tree, main = 'MAXIMAL TREE') text(fit_pltr$tree, minlength = 0L, xpd = TRUE, cex = .6) ## End(Not run)
Prediction on new features using a set of bagging pltr models
predict_bagg.pltr(bag_pltr, Y.name, newdata, type = "response", thresshold = seq(0, 1, by = 0.1))
predict_bagg.pltr(bag_pltr, Y.name, newdata, type = "response", thresshold = seq(0, 1, by = 0.1))
bag_pltr |
the bagging result obtained with the function |
Y.name |
the name of the binary dependent variable |
newdata |
a data frame in which to look for predictors and the dependant variable. |
type |
the type of prediction required. |
thresshold |
a vector of cutoff values for binary prediction. Could be helpfull for computing the AUC on the test sample. |
A list with 8 elements
A list of size the length of the thresshold vector, containing the final prediction of each individual of the testing data by the bagging procedure using the majority rule (the modal prediction). |
A list of size the length of the thresshold vector, containing the final prediction of each individual of the testing data by the bagging procedure using the mean estimated probability. |
A vector of estimated errors of the Bagging procedure on the test sample for each thresshold value using |
A vector of estimated errors of the Bagging procedure on the test sample for each thresshold value using |
A list of confusion matrix using |
A list of confusion matrix using |
A list of size the length of the thresshold vector. Each element representing the prediction error obtained via each predictor in the bagging sequence for each thresshold value |
A vector containing the mean of |
Cyprien Mbogning
Mbogning, C., Perdry, H., Broet, P.: A Bagged partially linear tree-based regression procedure for prediction and variable selection. Human Heredity (To appear), (2015)
## Not run: ## load the data set data(burn) ## set the parameters args.rpart <- list(minbucket = 10, maxdepth = 4, cp = 0, maxsurrogate = 0) family <- "binomial" Y.name <- "D2" X.names <- "Z2" G.names <- c('Z1','Z3','Z4','Z5','Z6','Z7','Z8','Z9','Z10','Z11') args.parallel = list(numWorkers = 1) ## Bagging a set of basic unprunned pltr predictors Bag.burn <- bagging.pltr(burn, Y.name, X.names, G.names, family, args.rpart,epsi = 0.01, iterMax = 4, iterMin = 3, Bag = 20, verbose = FALSE, doprune = FALSE) ## Use the bagging procedure to predict new features # ?predict_bagg.pltr Pred_Bag.burn <- predict_bagg.pltr(Bag.burn, Y.name, newdata = burn, type = "response", thresshold = seq(0, 1, by = 0.1)) ## The confusion matrix for each thresshold value using the majority vote Pred_Bag.burn$CONF1 ## End(Not run)
## Not run: ## load the data set data(burn) ## set the parameters args.rpart <- list(minbucket = 10, maxdepth = 4, cp = 0, maxsurrogate = 0) family <- "binomial" Y.name <- "D2" X.names <- "Z2" G.names <- c('Z1','Z3','Z4','Z5','Z6','Z7','Z8','Z9','Z10','Z11') args.parallel = list(numWorkers = 1) ## Bagging a set of basic unprunned pltr predictors Bag.burn <- bagging.pltr(burn, Y.name, X.names, G.names, family, args.rpart,epsi = 0.01, iterMax = 4, iterMin = 3, Bag = 20, verbose = FALSE, doprune = FALSE) ## Use the bagging procedure to predict new features # ?predict_bagg.pltr Pred_Bag.burn <- predict_bagg.pltr(Bag.burn, Y.name, newdata = burn, type = "response", thresshold = seq(0, 1, by = 0.1)) ## The confusion matrix for each thresshold value using the majority vote Pred_Bag.burn$CONF1 ## End(Not run)
prediction on new features using a pltr tree and the name of the confounding variable
predict_pltr(xtree, xdata, Y.name, X.names, newdata, type = "response", family = 'binomial', thresshold = seq(0.1, 0.9, by = 0.1))
predict_pltr(xtree, xdata, Y.name, X.names, newdata, type = "response", family = 'binomial', thresshold = seq(0.1, 0.9, by = 0.1))
xtree |
a tree obtained with the pltr procedure |
xdata |
the dataframe used to learn the pltr model |
Y.name |
the name of the main variable |
X.names |
the names of the confounding variables |
newdata |
the new data with all the predictors and the dependent variable |
type |
the type of prediction |
family |
the glm family considered |
thresshold |
the thresshold value to consider for binary prediction. It could be a vector, helping to compute the AUC |
A list of two element
predict_glm |
the predicted vector, depending on the family used. For the binomial family with a vector of thresshold, a matrix with each column corresponding to a thresshold value |
either the prediction error of the pltr procedure on the test set or a vector of prediction error when the family is binomial with a vector of thresshold values |
Cyprien Mbogning
Mbogning, C., Perdry, H., Toussile, W., Broet, P.: A novel tree-based procedure for deciphering the genomic spectrum of clinical disease entities. Journal of Clinical Bioinformatics 4:6, (2014)
fit the PLTR model for a given tree. The tree is coerced into dummy covariates.
tree2glm(xtree, xdata, Y.name, X.names, family = "binomial")
tree2glm(xtree, xdata, Y.name, X.names, family = "binomial")
xtree |
a tree inherits from the rpart method |
xdata |
a data frame containing the variables in the model |
Y.name |
the name of the dependent variable |
X.names |
the names of independent variables to consider in the linear part of the glm |
family |
the glm family considered depending on the type of the dependent variable. |
the pltr fitted model (fit)
Cyprien Mbogning and Wilson Toussile
## Not run: ##load the data set data(data_pltr) ## set the parameters args.rpart <- list(minbucket = 40, cp = 0) family <- "binomial" Y.name <- "Y" X.names <- "G1" G.names <- paste("G", 2:15, sep="") ## build a maximal tree fit_pltr <- pltr.glm(data_pltr, Y.name, X.names, G.names, args.rpart = args.rpart, family = family,iterMax = 5, iterMin = 3) ## Coerce a tree into a glm model using the confonding factor fit_glm <- tree2glm(fit_pltr$tree, data_pltr, Y.name, X.names, family = family) summary(fit_glm) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: ##load the data set data(data_pltr) ## set the parameters args.rpart <- list(minbucket = 40, cp = 0) family <- "binomial" Y.name <- "Y" X.names <- "G1" G.names <- paste("G", 2:15, sep="") ## build a maximal tree fit_pltr <- pltr.glm(data_pltr, Y.name, X.names, G.names, args.rpart = args.rpart, family = family,iterMax = 5, iterMin = 3) ## Coerce a tree into a glm model using the confonding factor fit_glm <- tree2glm(fit_pltr$tree, data_pltr, Y.name, X.names, family = family) summary(fit_glm) ## End(Not run)
Coerces a given tree structure to binary covariates.
fit |
a tree structure inheriting to the rpart method |
a list of indicators
Cyprien Mbogning and Wilson Toussile
## Not run: ## load the data set data(data_pltr) ## set the parameters args.rpart <- list(minbucket = 40, xval = 10, cp = 0) family <- "binomial" Y.name <- "Y" X.names <- "G1" G.names <- paste("G", 2:15, sep="") ## build a maximal tree fit_pltr <- pltr.glm(data_pltr, Y.name, X.names, G.names, args.rpart = args.rpart, family = family,iterMax = 5, iterMin = 3) ## Compute a list of indicator from the leaves of the tree fitted tree tree2indicators(fit_pltr$tree) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: ## load the data set data(data_pltr) ## set the parameters args.rpart <- list(minbucket = 40, xval = 10, cp = 0) family <- "binomial" Y.name <- "Y" X.names <- "G1" G.names <- paste("G", 2:15, sep="") ## build a maximal tree fit_pltr <- pltr.glm(data_pltr, Y.name, X.names, G.names, args.rpart = args.rpart, family = family,iterMax = 5, iterMin = 3) ## Compute a list of indicator from the leaves of the tree fitted tree tree2indicators(fit_pltr$tree) ## End(Not run)
Several variable importance scores are computed: the deviance importance score (DIS), the permutation importance score (PIS), the depth deviance importance score (DDIS), the minimal depth importance score (MinDepth) and the occurence score (OCCUR).
VIMPBAG(BAGGRES, data, Y.name)
VIMPBAG(BAGGRES, data, Y.name)
The output of the bagging procedure ( |
data |
The learning dataframe used within the bagging procedure |
Y.name |
The name of the binary dependant variable used in the bagging procedure |
several choices for variable selection using the bagging procedure are proposed. A discussion about the scores of importance PIS, DIS, and DDIS is available in Mbogning et al. 2015
A list with 9 elements
A list of length the length of the thresshold value used in the bagging procedure, containing the permutation importance score displayed in decreasing order for each thresshold value |
StdPIS |
The standard error of the PIS |
The occurence number for each variable in the bagging sequence displayed in decreasing order |
The deviance importance score displayed in decreasing order |
The depth deviance importance score displayed in decreasing order |
MinDepth |
The minimal depth score for each variable, displayed in increasing order |
dimtrees |
A vector containing the dimensions of trees within the baging sequence |
A vector containing the OOB error of the bagging procedure for each thresshold value |
Bagfinal |
The number of Bagging iterations used |
Cyprien Mbogning
Mbogning, C., Perdry, H., Broet, P.: A Bagged partially linear tree-based regression procedure for prediction and variable selection. Human Heredity (To appear), (2015)
## Not run: ## load the data set data(burn) ## set the parameters args.rpart <- list(minbucket = 10, maxdepth = 4, cp = 0, maxsurrogate = 0) family <- "binomial" Y.name <- "D2" X.names <- "Z2" G.names <- c('Z1','Z3','Z4','Z5','Z6','Z7','Z8','Z9','Z10','Z11') args.parallel = list(numWorkers = 1) ## Bagging a set of basic unprunned pltr predictors Bag.burn <- bagging.pltr(burn, Y.name, X.names, G.names, family, args.rpart,epsi = 0.01, iterMax = 4, iterMin = 3, Bag = 20, verbose = FALSE, doprune = FALSE) ## Several importance scores for variables, using the bagging procedure Var_Imp_BAG.burn <- VIMPBAG(Bag.burn, burn, Y.name) ## Importance score using the permutaion method for each thresshold value Var_Imp_BAG.burn$PIS ## Importance score using the deviance criterion Var_Imp_BAG.burn$DIS ## End(Not run)
## Not run: ## load the data set data(burn) ## set the parameters args.rpart <- list(minbucket = 10, maxdepth = 4, cp = 0, maxsurrogate = 0) family <- "binomial" Y.name <- "D2" X.names <- "Z2" G.names <- c('Z1','Z3','Z4','Z5','Z6','Z7','Z8','Z9','Z10','Z11') args.parallel = list(numWorkers = 1) ## Bagging a set of basic unprunned pltr predictors Bag.burn <- bagging.pltr(burn, Y.name, X.names, G.names, family, args.rpart,epsi = 0.01, iterMax = 4, iterMin = 3, Bag = 20, verbose = FALSE, doprune = FALSE) ## Several importance scores for variables, using the bagging procedure Var_Imp_BAG.burn <- VIMPBAG(Bag.burn, burn, Y.name) ## Importance score using the permutaion method for each thresshold value Var_Imp_BAG.burn$PIS ## Importance score using the deviance criterion Var_Imp_BAG.burn$DIS ## End(Not run)